Highway to Heaven Page 2
“Let’s roll!” Tonto hollered, breaking up the conversations of tired riders. Bikes began to roar to life, their riders renewed and ready to finish the last leg of the trip and get down to business. Shady and Abi both had their own bikes, leaving Heaven the only one riding bitch and procrastinating getting back on the bike she’d rode on. She looked around, hoping to find another willing driver but most of the guys opted for no back seat or were to split off from the group and come in from the opposite side of their destination.
“Heaven! Move that ass!” Raven stood with one hand hanging at his side, his muscles flexed under his cut. He had his leather coat draped over the tank of the bike, and an impatient glare ricocheted off her. She rolled her eyes and took her time walking back over to him, realizing she was the last to mount up and held up the group. With a grumble she climbed on, surprised when he handed her his coat. “Put this on.” She took it, still not too comfortable with getting up and cozy with the man but grateful for the added warmth. It wasn’t a cold night per se, but the air had a nip that would only get worse as the late night hours strung on ahead. While she threaded her arms through the ginormous sleeves, he cranked the bike to life and took off, making her once again have to grab for him to steady herself. When her arms went around his middle, he grabbed one wrist and pulled her closer, securing them under his huge palm while the trail of taillights twinkled off into the distance.
It was a good twenty minutes or so into the ride that she felt Raven’s body relax back in to her and his thumb start to trace little circles on the back of her hand and somehow the thoughts of Gage and Colt seemed obsolete. An electricity came from him she couldn’t quite identify, and truthfully, it scared the shit out of her. It wasn’t danger, well, totally, but definitely something else was there that pulled her like a magnet. She fought it, and saw it as a warning sign. Yet, still, she didn’t jerk her hand away. To rationalize it, she told herself it wasn’t like she had a choice, right? She had to hang on. With the bike rumbling between her legs, it made it hard not to squirm against the seat. Her soaked panties made for a long, long, ride. That was her story and she was sticking to it.
Chapter Two
It was almost two a.m. by the time they roared down the lanes to the border. All of the riders’ postures had gone rigid and on guard. If they got caught up and tossed in containment because of the weapons they all carried, they could kiss the girls the Diablos were trafficking goodbye. With Tonto in the lead, he was first in line to meet the armed guards. From where the others sat and the loud vibration of the bikes, no one could hear what was being said. What they did see was him being flagged off to the side and into a parking lot. All of the guys followed, sure their trip was setting off on the wrong foot already. Sandman pulled up beside him and leaned over.
“What the fuck’s goin’ on?” Sandman growled.
“Don’t know yet. The bastard just took one look at me and told me to pull my convoy over for a few questions.” Tonto looked around, weighing their options.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Sandman grumbled.
“Me too. If this goes south, take as many as you can and haul ass. We gotta get to those girls before it’s too late. Remember the plan, and follow the map precisely. It’ll take you down and around an area there’s no way they can track you.”
“Got it,” Sandman said, his face solemn. They’d all known the risk they took when they agreed to ride. Now was the time to separate the men from the boys and do whatever means necessary to get the job done.
The punk in uniform came back toward them, bringing three others with them. He bypassed everyone and went straight back to Tonto who was ready to give the command at a moment’s notice and began a full on interrogation. Tonto, being Tonto, answered as vaguely as possible and kept that Native American persona to a ‘T’. After about an hour of them going back and forth, always circling back to the same question being, what were their plans in Mexico and where were they going, the officer’s cell began to ring. He fumbled to get the screen unlocked, his aggravation well apparent and he answered. With only a few short words spoken from their end, the man slammed the device back in his pocket and gave a curt nod. “They’re good to go.”
“What do you mean? He still hasn’t answered a fuckin’ thing,” the porky sidekick responded.
“I mean, I just got the call to let them go through. They’re clear.” Without another word he stomped back to his post and turned only to motion the others to follow. There were a few glances shared between the club, and a smug grin here and there, but they all took off without a word. No use in pushing their luck, right?
Once they’d put enough distance between them and the border, they pulled over to refuel. “What the fuck was that about? I thought for sure we were gonna have to move on to plan B the way those uniforms were throwing stupid ass questions atcha, Prez.” Gage leaned against the tank of his Fatboy, amused at their clean getaway.
“Fish,” Shark said with a smirk.
“Yep. Ol’ Fish came through. It’s nice having a suit on our side for once,” Yo Neg laughed. “Remind me to buy him a fifth when we get back. Any man who saves our ass from the law deserves a bottle of top shelf.” He leaned over and kissed Abi, making sure everyone knew who she belonged to. Then again, it was hard to tell if it was him who was marking territory or Abi who was, but no one within view could mistake it. With Abi’s shirt half pulled up and her hand down his pants, Sandman finally announced it was time to get staked out and start what they’d come for. Then again, it wasn’t like anyone would question or comment on her actions. Abi had moved from smalltime cage fighting to the big league, with her record 10-0 fighting against the best of the best. With her next event scheduled in less than a month in Vegas for a title shot, they were all more than ready to get this shit squared away and head out for a week of fun in sin city. Their cool calm and relax personas turned stone cold and serious, ready for anything that might await. As they rode off into the night, the eerie chill in the air electrified, becoming a dangerous wattage that all felt.
Chapter Three
Back at the club, Rose laid the baby down, again, for the tenth time and settled into bed. It was always hard getting sleep when the guys were gone, but for some reason tonight was proving to be the worst. As if not being sandwiched between Tonto and Sandman was bad enough, even Harley sensed the bad juju that hung over them. The little princess seemed to have a sixth sense when something wasn’t quite right. There had even been a couple times the Diablos had made a few poor attempts at mediocre sabotage and ambush. Each time, little Harley had been full of discontent and unpacifiable. With that thought, Rose reached over and picked up her cell phone off the dresser and dialed Road, happy he’d answered on the first ring. Road was one of the elders who was married to Chevy. Older or not, he was still one of the toughest son-of-a-bitches to ever walk the earth. “What’s wrong?” He knew if Rose was calling in the middle of the night, it wasn’t a social call, nor was it a baby emergency. That’s what the Prospects that had been left behind were for.
“It’s Harley. She’s sounding her alarms again, and I don’t think it’s colic. I have a feeling something is coming—” He didn’t let her finish her explanation despite how crazy it sounded.
“I’m on my way.” Road hung up the phone, and given the roar of bikes she heard not ten minutes later, he’d hauled ass to the clubhouse and brought reinforcements. Unfortunately, trouble didn’t wait for them to get there. A loud crashing and screams both outside the building and downstairs had Rose scooping up her little pink bundle and charging to the safe room. Since Harley had been damn near delivered on the back of a bike on the way to the hospital, Tonto and Sandman had insisted a safe room be built to protect her until their house was built. Rose had chastised them for being so overprotective, but was overly thankful now. Digs and Hammer came rushing in the room, instinctively grabbing everything she might need for a long period of time before rushing her down the hall with Red and Bree rig
ht behind. “Wait! Where are the girls?” She looked around frantically searching for her sisters. Alice and Lacey came rushing to her with Lacey half dressed and looking like she’d been up to something. She didn’t have time to figure out what, and knowing her sister, it wasn’t good. Alice stumbled half asleep, carrying her shoes in one hand that didn’t match and her cell in the other. Sledge wasn’t far behind, sending up red flags that would definitely need some answers later.
“Get in!” Sledge ordered. The girls didn’t hesitate and waited to be locked in while Rose handed the baby to Alice.
“Here. I have to check the cameras and emergency exit hatch. Get her settled in the bassinet and watch the monitors,” she said frantically.
“Fuck,” Alice gasped just as fire exploded in one of the downstairs windows. There was gunfire as the guys rushed around illuminated in the results of a Molotov cocktail. She let out a little screech when Sledge took a blow from a crowbar but had a half grin when he turned and capped the gangster right between the eyes with a .45. Even with their numbers short and less than half of the Diablos, the fight was over in a matter of minutes. The few that had lived tucked tail and ran like cowardly pussies. This time, the guys didn’t let them get away. They all knew what was going on and refused to let any Diablo they ran across live.
Sledge, who still had yet to feel the throbbing at the result of the metal bar he took across the ribs, hopped in the jacked up four by four with Zeus and Hammer and took off in a cloud of black smoke as the tires spun on the pavement. “Make it quick. Zeus, get ready, there are two coming up on your side. Hammer, three on yours. I’ll go down the middle and swing around wide to the left to block ‘em from the alley. Get ready!” Sledge stomped on the gas and the crotch rockets came into view as they closed in on them. As the truck growled through the night air, their adrenaline pumped so hard the high they were on drowned out the sirens in the distance.
Sledge reached the target and cut the wheel sharp right, swinging the backend of the truck out and around. It clipped the front tire of one of the Diablos and spun it just enough he lost control and ate pavement. The bike behind him couldn’t dodge in time and slammed against the fat ass burrito bender on the ground, flying up in to the air. Zeus took aim and pulled the trigger, shooting him straight through the chest.
“Nice! Skeet shoot that mothafucka!” Hammer yelled, aiming in on another. “Pull!” He grinned a wickedly evil snarl. Sledge gunned it and slammed in to another motorcycle, creating a chain reaction that had two more bodies flinging up and over the hood. Hammer leaned out the window and fired twice, landing both shots before they fell on the other side.
“Boo-yah bitch!” Zeus rose up to sit on the open window seal and took out the short Mexican who still struggled to right his bike and wobbled on his feet. He pumped the sawed-off shotgun and split his wig, exploding brain matter in every direction. With only one left standing, Sledge shoved the truck into reverse and T-boned the driver, wincing as the body flung up the hood. With one hand on the steering wheel and one hanging out the window, he unloaded an entire clip on the lifeless fuck until a river of blood slid the body to the ground with a thudding sound. “That’s for putting the baby in danger, you fuckin’ wetback,” he growled. Red and blues flashed in the distance, heading in their direction. “We’ve got to get the fuck out of here. Not that I don’t doubt our new alliance’s law connections, but there’s only so much he can do. I highly doubt that this falls under the category of cover ups.”
“Get this truck to Roads. I’ll call Ironman and tell him to get some Prospects over for a full clean up,” Hammer said, clearing the chamber. While he talked on his cell, he and Zeus loaded all the ammunition and weapons into a duffle bag after wiping them clean and zipped it. With the weapons soon to be wanted in a mass murder case, they had no option but to dump the guns. While most everything they did kept that right and wrong line blurred, this flat dumped a bottle of white out on the bitch. The Savages had buyers lined out for all of the hot parts or weapons after each use. The buyers weren’t thugs off the street or insurgents waiting to use them against fellow American soldiers. No. It was to that few special group of police officers and detectives that needed a tie back to a past case in order to complete a task in the clear. So many times a street hood with a bad attitude decided to rape, torture, and ultimately kill a woman could work the system and spend no longer than six months to a year behind bars. Some of the cops were straight laced and stuck to the legal system to the ‘T’, others walked in the grey zone more often than not and did what was necessary to keep the streets safe. They couldn’t go out and buy weapons off the street and help aid in more criminal activity, so they worked with the Savages and turned a blind eye to the illegal activities that went on. Because most everything the club did had a purpose and revolved around making the community safe, even the illegal fight club and happenings was kept under the radar. Call it what you want, but in the bigger scheme of things, it was all for the greater good.
“Meet me at the loading zone, I’ve got a donation.” Sledge didn’t wait for a reply, just powered his phone down and tossed it in the seat beside him. “As soon as we drop the truck off, we gotta get back to the clubhouse. This may not be the only excitement we get tonight.”
“I just got off the phone with Digs. Said the girls were still in the safe room, snug and tight. The boys are cleaning up just in case the boys in blue decide to pay a visit. Damn good thing we have an extra window on hand to replace the damage. I knew we’d need it after the last little incident.”
“They better shut this shit down now so we ain’t gotta deal with it anymore. I’m getting too fuckin’ old to be out this fuckin’ late shooting. I’m gonna need a damn laser scope before too long,” Hammer grumbled. He could bitch and moan all he wanted, but they all knew he got off on it. If not for Zeus sitting beside him, he’d have climbed up on the roof and opened fired. Casualties weren’t something he was savvy on during the heat of the moment. Like his name insinuated, he swung the hammer and cleaned up the damage later.
As they made their clean getaway with the cops well behind in their wake, the guys pulled in to Rhode’s garage and cut off the engine, opting to take one of his many rides to check back in at the club.
Chapter Four
It was close to daybreak when they’d reached the ratty ass motel at the edge of a dusty, nasty little shithole of a town. If their Intel was right, Dominic Reyes was holed up in a rundown house about five blocks away. The noise and chaos of town gave them cover to scout the joint out before they went in guns blazing and balls to the wall. They had to scope out the comings and goings before they could come up with an ambush. If that meant sleeping in a hot, ratty, dirty hotel, so be it. However long it took to save those girls and take the slime ball sons of bitches out, it was well worth it.
“Slider, you, Rig, Bull, and Axle unload. Abi, I need you and the girls to get things unpacked and set up. Get cameras setup at all of the entry points. I want eyes in all directions.” Tonto handed out the instructions by qualification. Rig, Bull, and Axle were Savages from the California Nomad chapter that had moved down temporarily to help take down the Diablos. All three were some of the meanest motherfuckers with the worst reputations on the west coast, and an asset to the team. They would be on recon because of their experience and lack of morals. Most of the ranks had been tossed out the window aside from the Presidents calling the shots to avoid any pissing matches. If someone said do something, they did.
“I’ve got the hardware on the outside.” Yo Neg grabbed a big black case out of his saddlebag and walked toward the front of the hotel. One good thing about Mexico was even if they were seen, no one was stupid enough to question or go sticking their nose where it didn’t belong. Most everything that happened in this area was far from legal and the natives were smart enough to mind their own business if they valued their life.
“Good. Everyone else scout out the area.” Tonto grabbed a gym bag out of his bike and tossed it
to Abi. “Brought these for you. Get the girls geared up.” She caught it, smiling at the weight of it. With a nod she slung it over her shoulder and walked inside.
Heaven, Shady, and Sahara were already removing the few laptops brought and equipment out of the cases. They’d laid everything out on the desks and started connecting the cameras wirelessly for Yo Neg to do his thing. Yo Neg could put cameras up his grandma’s dress and she’d never know it was there. He had talent when it came to anything technical, and this trip would put his mad skills to use.
“Heaven, I need you for a sec,” Shark said from the doorway. Her little head snapped up, unsure why the hell he’d chosen her out of the group but didn’t want to argue. Shark was another one that confused her. He was blond haired, blue eyed with muscles on top of muscles that made all the girls squirm in their panties. To be honest, this was the first time he’d directed conversation solely at her. It wasn’t like they hadn’t talked…but all of their conversations had included other people and she’d never really had his full attention.
“What’s up?” she tried to play it cool. In the back of her mind was Colt and Gage…the way their body pressed against hers…the way they pumped in and out of her simultaneously… Damn, she had to stop this. It’d been weeks since they’d been together. For all she knew, they’d gotten what they wanted and moved on. She felt a stab in her chest. She knew she’d already fallen for Gage, if she had to admit it to herself, and her feelings were strong for Colt. If she admitted it to herself, then she’d have to admit it to her heart and that would only lead to it breaking. So she kept it buried as deep as she could. With that thought, she squared her shoulders enough her tits poked out and walked toward him with a little sway in her step. It didn’t go unnoticed. His head cocked to the side some and a smile tilted his lips just enough to show that boyish dimple on his left cheek. He was a little more relaxed than most of the guys…especially the Savages’ brood. If you saw him on the street, you’d never guess him to be part of a badass biker gang.