Backfire (Furies MC Book 4) Page 7
When it was done her screen had changed, it looked like a motorcycle that was changing from smoke to flames. Kinda cool. She read the four icons that appeared. Join…Message…Help…Wrong Fucking App Uninstall. Okay then, well, she was going to message since she had nothing to lose anyway. But when she hit the button it flashed to the Join screen. Jaci frowned and tried again, it did the same thing. She pushed the help button, and the screen read, ‘Hey, dumbass, JOIN.”
Jaci rolled her eyes and then went to the Join button, they asked for her email, which she gave her personal one, they asked for her name. That was it. Well, here goes nothing, she thought as she pressed the button. What she had hoped to do was reach out to a few contacts she had developed here in Singapore. Test the waters so to speak. There was one man, who she thought could help, especially since he seemed to really like Carole when they met. He was a weapons dealer.
She watched her screen as a small wheel turned waiting for her to get an acceptance. It took a few minutes and then suddenly her screen burst with a bunch of colors. Such drama. Their operatives site was so boring and easy, all one color, nothing cryptic. Finally, the cursor began to blink as if it was waiting for her to type a message. She shrugged and asked.
Jaci: Who is this?
The reply came back quickly.
Them: Wrong question.
She frowned and waited, trying to figure out what to ask when another message blinked at her.
Them: Uh, maybe ask what we can do to help you?
Jaci stared at the message. In for a pound or a Singapore dollar in her case.
Jaci: FINE! What can you do to help me?
There was a long pause, and Jaci thought the connection might have dropped. She was getting irritated and ready to hit the button to shut her tablet off because yeah, time was ticking and whoever was on the other end was probably playing her so they could trace where she and others were. Another message popped up just as she moved her stylus to shut down.
Them: You have it. The Shadow knows.
Jaci frowned, Shadow? How the fuck did these people know Shadow? And why the hell would they tell her to talk to him? Oh, she would talk to him alright. This was so stupid.
Jaci: Seriously, that is it?
Them: Yep, then come back. You will have everything you need.
She looked at the last message. Really, everything she’d need. Doubtful. Unless they could send a fucking margarita through the connection. Curious and a little disgusted with the cryptic shit, she put down her phone and looked at the clock. It wasn’t that late. Jaci stood and walked to the door, when she opened it there was silence, which meant they guys had all gone to their rooms too. She moved quickly across the hall and knocked lightly on Wesson’s door. She shifted back and forth on her feet, then suddenly the door opened up, and before she could react a hand grabbed her, and she was yanked into the room. What the fuck, it was like a bad spy movie as Shadow stuck his head out and did a quick scan of the hall like he was making sure no one saw her.
Once he shut the door, he turned and said, “Sweetcheeks, it is about time you booted that thing up.”
“HUH?” she hissed. “Was that you, I swear, seriously, you should have just told me, now I need to take that stupid app off.”
Shadow shook his head. “No, it wasn’t me, I would have told you that already. I mean, I know everyone thinks of me as a fucking stoner, but geez, why would play message tag when we are in the same house.”
“Wesson! Stop rambling.”
“Yeah, right. Sorry, they’re my friends, and they are well, kinda helping me out.”
She frowned, “Friends helping you out? Loki’s club?”
He shook his head and laughed. “Yeah, while Boony, my man is in the Ops Warriors, I have never actually been a joiner you know. The Furies are cool, but I haven't known them long enough. I mean, they are friends with the Ops, which is how I came to be here, but I haven't had an official introduction or anything. Huh, I wonder if Boony was planning on introducing me, he could have been desperate.”
Jaci rolled her eyes, he was rambling, again. She had to get him back on point, or they would be here forever. “Wesson!” she said, and he stopped and stared at her.
“Huh?” he asked.
“Your friends?” she asked softly.
“Oh yeah, well, they are people I met in the military when I was stationed overseas, a real hush hush thing you know. Anyway, there was a squadron, they were specialists, like elite shit. They were completely self-sufficient, if somehow we were under attack, they would be able to function, they were the eyes and ears on the sky, the coms, everything if the shit hit the fan. They were like in weird ass training…” Wesson was saying, and Jaci held up her hand, the man really needed to lay off the pot for a while.
“Wes, come on focus,” she said, and he sighed loudly and nodded.
“I was trying to give you background on them. They all had different skills to make sure they could help the country in case of an attack. Well anyway, this group was attached to my unit. I met them when we were all on leave. They uh, kinda got me out of a bit of trouble. You know, ‘cause back then, I wasn’t nearly as laid back as I am now. I was a bit of a dick, to be honest, but they helped me anyway. Now, well now, they have their own business, a tourist tour business. You know flying helicopters and showing people the sites and shit. But they still help me out from time to time...when I have a situation. Which isn't that often really, but you know, I am a hacker, and sometimes I may or may not be in something I’m supposed to be in. We are tight, and they worry about me, so they stay close. One of your higher-ups apparently asked if they would help out if you contacted them. They said yes, ‘cause they were already coming here with me. But I can't speak for them; they have their own rules on shit. I don’t really get them, but whatever, so you finally asked, and they told you to talk to me. Which you are, and I am telling you, ask them for help. Trust me, just ask them, there are things they know, hell, they know shit I have no clue about. I know computers.”
Jaci stared at him. She swore he never took a breath the whole time he was talking, it kinda freaked her out, everyone needed to breathe. She shook her head, off track, every time she talked to Wesson, they got off track.
He went to keep talking, and she held up her hand. “Okay, when this is all over, we can grab a beer, and you can talk until your heart is content. Right now, I need to know who the fuck I am talking to, Wes. A name would do wonders.”
Wesson nodded and then said, “Doc, just use the name Doc.”
Chapter Nine
Loki was in his room, not sleeping, no shit, he could always sleep. Hell, he slept through bombs, gunfire, trains, airplanes, everything, nothing kept him up at night, until her. Jaci Thorne. She was the one keeping him up. Fuck, kissing her, he seriously thought there was no one who had ever challenged him that way. If her brother hadn’t walked in, he would have gladly taken what her eyes were offering. The woman wasn’t weak, she almost demanded what she wanted from him, and he knew what she wanted—everything. He saw it and could feel it.
Staring at the ceiling, he growled and said, “Why the fuck am I obsessing over a chick? I mean, not like they are one in a million.”
Right, he thought and then groaned and rolled over, it was her fault, she was a spy, she probably doped his drink to make him so attracted to her. This was bullshit, he thought and sat up. How the fuck was he supposed to work like this, his cock was hard as a rock, and he would be damned if he would jack off to relieve himself, he was the one in charge goddammit.
Loki grabbed his phone from the bedside table and punched in Torch’s number. The fucker was an asshole, he would tell him the score.
“Better be fucking good,” Torch said groggily. “You do realize that you are like fourteen hours ahead of us, which means it is three in the damn morning.”
“Torch, don’t bust my balls. This whole fucking mission has been a fucking mess from the get-go,” Loki snapped, then he heard rustling sounds. G
reat, his brother was sitting up now, gearing to light into him.
“You’re not joking, which tells me something serious is going on. What happened?” Torch snapped. “Fling said things were going okay and that you were close to having a plan to get your mom out.”
Loki groaned, “Yeah that part is finally going okay, I mean, I am still dealing with a drugee and G.I. Joe, but we’re pulling it together. No, man, it’s Jaci. She is driving me nuts.”
Torch sighed and then growled, “Brother, is there some alternate universe where I am Dear Fucking Abby or something? ‘Cause I don’t do chick shit, you know this.”
“Brother, I’m desperate, she is fucking with my head,” Loki snapped, and Torch chuckled, which pissed him off because yeah, he sounded more than desperate to his own ass.
“Fuck her,” he replied. “There you go, my advice. Nail her and get her out of your system. Nothing like getting some pussy to clear your head.”
Loki heard someone in the background say something. Then Torch whispered, “Ah, never with you, baby. Go back to sleep, it’s cool.”
“I can't fuck her!” Loki yelled into the phone.
“Why? Your dick broken? I told you that would happen, you fuck too many women, and suddenly you have a disease, then your dick is dead,” Torch said.
“Asshole, my dick isn't broken, I mean I can't fuck her, she is my mom's partner. It’s like me fucking your sister if you had one, it is off limits,” Loki growled.
“Yeah, remember that. Because if my long lost sister suddenly shows up. You are not allowed to fuck her,” Torch said, and Loki held out the phone and blinked at it before putting it back to his hear.
“What the fuck, brother? I am calling you to get some support, and you are talking about a fictional sister, come on, man. What about desperate are you not understanding,” Loki said, and he heard more rustling and then a female voice.
“Loki?” Anya said softly, and Loki sighed. Great, now Torch was going to kick his ass for waking his woman.
“Hey, Anya, sorry about this, honey,” Loki began, ready to hang up, but Anya spoke stopping him.
“What is the problem?” she asked softly. She was too sweet, he knew it when he met her. Anya was like the perfect woman a man like him would settle down with. She was strong, independent, she knew about the club and knew Torch needed it. Hell, he had seen some women demand their man quit an MC, not Anya, she even had a kid, but she put all of her trust in Torch.
“I don’t know where to begin. This is so fucked up,” Loki said, and Anya made a noise, and he heard Torch snap at her not to leave his bed. Fuck he was getting his ass kicked for sure now. “Listen, this isn't important; I will deal with this when I get home, I was just feeling out of sorts.”
Anya sighed and said, “Come on, Loki, lay it out, you are like the rest of these macho men, and if you don’t talk it out, you are gonna do something stupid, which means you will end up sad and alone, and always at my dinner table. So spill.”
He grinned, “Sad and alone, hell no.”
“Loki,” Anya said softly, and he sighed.
“This really isn't the time. I mean we have only thirty-six hours to get my mom out, so we will be back soon. I can deal with it then,” Loki said, and Anya sighed deeply.
“You and I know, the odds of you keeping that timeframe are minimal. I already know you will be there for a while after you get your mother out, there is no way they can risk setting a plane down there when everyone will be looking for your mother. It will be an international incident now that it hit the news that your mother was in jail there,” Anya said. “I am not stupid, and neither are you. I have played this game for years with the Justice Department. Now, since you are going to be there a while, why don’t you tell me what’s bugging you about this woman. You wouldn’t have called Torch unless you were in dire need of help since he’s a bear when he gets woken up.”
Anya was right. What did he have to lose? More sleep? Loki started talking.
Chapter Ten
Jaci tossed and turned, what the hell? After speaking to Shadow, she came back to her room, picked up the small device and typed in ‘Doc.' Then she waited. It only took moments for a response to come. The good news was, they had help, the bad news—they agreed the only possibility to get Carole out was to break her out the hard way.
It was going to cause a huge stir, she knew it, and it wasn’t the easiest plan. Plus getting out of the country was going to need to be planned. Having to make it through the entire city with the Singapore Army looking for them was almost impossible. The odds of one of them being killed was huge, and not a chance she wanted to take. Doc had another plan, one that could work if they could get certain things in place quickly. That was her plan today, she was going to tell the guys, and then they were going to acquire what they need.
The only thing she wasn’t sure of, was Victor Burns. She hadn’t told the guys yet about the camera on her laptop. It was something she knew she needed to do, but she had waited because she wasn’t sure on which side of the fence she fell. Did she believe the hacker, or did she think it was a con?
Everything in her told her to think carefully, which she did, and now she was ready. With a sigh, she punched her pillow and tried to think of the best way to tell the guys that Victor Burns was innocent. She looked at everything, and nothing made sense about him contacting her. It was too weird for her to dismiss.
She needed sleep if she were going to be top of her game. She needed to wake up with a clear head, which was so not going to happen with Loki around. Damn, she was kinda pathetic really. She had fallen in love with a picture, and now that she met him, she realized that kinda sad, pathetic love wasn’t real, it couldn’t be because she knew nothing about him. But after kissing Loki, talking to him, now she knew. She could totally fall in love with the real man just as easily as she had the photo.
Jaci rolled to her stomach, her gaze landed on the picture that was sitting propped up on her clock. She should have given it to him, but when the time came, she couldn’t let go of it. Buddy had it in his pocket when he had gone to change. When she was going to throw out the old ratty clothes, she felt it and pulled it free. Instead of giving it back, she brought it in her room.
She closed her eyes, and instantly the dream she had been having since the first time she saw the picture, came right up. It wasn’t hard. This dream, this dream had been so vivid for her, and every single time it happened, she woke up sweaty and completely unsatisfied, it sucked. It always started the same way…
Jaci turned at the bar as she heard the roar of a motorcycle outside, through the window she saw him pulling up on his bike. It never ceased to arouse her, no matter how many times she saw Kaden Kincaid pull up. He was sexy, he was sweet, and he was all hers. How had she gotten so lucky?
He walked into the bar, and everyone around turned and looked, not because they knew him, because of his presence, it screamed danger. His eyes caught hers, and instead of smiling and calling out to her, he did neither and stalked with a slow sexy walk right for her. His eyes never leaving hers, she was his prey, and damned if she was going to go quietly.
When Kaden got to her, he raised a hand, wrapped it around the back of her head and pulled her to him and took her mouth in a possessive kiss, letting anyone and everyone in the bar know who she belonged to. Jaci could not do anything but hold on, when he let her go, she smiled at him slowly and shook her head.
“You know, this whole he-man thing is sexy and all, but it may be cool to actually greet me before you kiss me sometimes,” she teased, and he shook his head and shrugged off his leather jacket.
“Never gonna happen, baby,” he said, and she sucked in a breath, she loved it when he called her baby. “You got thirty minutes, and then I am gonna drag you out of this place and take you home and fuck you,” he announced. She turned and put a hand on her hip.
“What, no dinner?” Jaci had the night planned. They were going to have a drink, and then walk next door to the n
ice restaurant that she had heard had rave reviews, and THEN they would go home and make love.
“Thinking you should order out,” he said gruffly and held up his hand to the bartender who nodded and poured Kaden a beer.
“Really?” she said softly, and he turned to her and smiled.
“Yeah, I already ordered, I remembered what you said you wanted to try, so in twenty minutes our dinner will be ready to go, and I already set the table at your place,” he said, and she grinned.
“Who needs a restaurant, dinner at home sounds amazing,” she whispered, and he smiled and shook his head. Like it was ever in question. She loved this part of her dream; it was so sexy, everything about him was sexy. Just the thought of a man doing something like that for her, it meant so much more.
“Come on, baby, get your drink, we can talk about our days, ‘cause when we get home, I am going to be putting that dinner in the fridge for a while. I have been gone from you all day long, all I thought about was you, and those black lace panties you were wearing under your stuffy suit,” he whispered, and she felt her pussy tighten, the sound of his voice all sexy and full of passion, yeah, she wanted to go home too.
They talked and had their drink, and then they walked next door and got their food. Kaden put it in his saddle bags and then handed her a helmet and swung his leg over his bike. She loved riding this thing she thought as she secured the helmet. With a grin, she swung her leg over and put her high heels on the pegs. Kaden loved the look of her high heels on his bike. She felt the rumble between her legs, and she tightened her arms.
When he pulled into traffic and sped off, Jaci wanted to laugh with sheer happiness. There was nothing better than being on the back of Kaden’s bike, the wind against her face, the freedom, and the man’s body she had her arms wrapped around.
By the time they got to her place she was more than ready, the vibration made her hot, like hotter than hot, especially with her front pressed to Kaden’s back, and her hardened nipples rubbing against the confines of her bra. He pulled out the food and grabbed her hand, almost dragging her behind him, that is until she smiled and began to move faster to keep up, she was impatient as well. When they hit her front door, she had her key at the ready, and with the turn of her wrist, they were inside her door, the food in the fridge, and Kaden had her pressed up against the counter kissing her silly.