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Property of (Ops Warriors MC Book 6) Page 8

  “There is an apartment in the garage?” Numbers asked, and Data shrugged. “We hadn’t had time to look around.”

  “Yeah, well take the time, in the basement there’s a makeshift panic room, the general said there are guns in there, as well as some other things that may come in handy. I will send you the code in a few.”

  Kit stepped forward and said quietly, “I can help if you need it.”

  Both men looked up at the woman and Data pushed a chair out in between them and said,

  “Well come on, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

  Kit grinned and nodded. Finally something to do, something to help her bring down the people responsible for her parents’ death. She was looking forward to spitting on their grave when Shady and the rest of the Ops caught up to them, because that was what her new friend assured her was their intention. No one was going to touch Jas again. Kit had been devastated when she heard what the young woman had gone through at the hands of Angela’s ex, she had known and yet she just ran.

  The guys pointed to a computer, which was, of course, in the middle of them, and told her to use that one. When she sat down, the guys did the same. She grinned to herself. She was getting used to being in the middle with these two men. Really, it was just something she never thought would happen to her. Both men held qualities she liked and respected. They were kind, they had given her space with the Lady Riders, even though she had been able to see they were impatient with the whole thing.

  Kit was going to be honest with them. She had asked the Lady Riders to stay with her, she just didn’t feel comfortable with Data and Numbers. Not because she didn’t like them, no it was because she liked them too much. They were easy to lean on, and when they talked to her, she felt like she was the most important thing to them. Kit had only known them a few days, but a bond of sorts was beginning. They had seen her at her worst and it didn’t scare them. It actually made them more attentive. She thought maybe they saw her as someone they had to rescue, but as the hours wore on, she began to see that wasn’t the case. They saw her as a woman, and because of that, it drew her to them even more. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen in the future, but she had few options, and for the first time in weeks, she felt safe, and cared for.

  The Ops Warriors were so much more than a biker club, she decided. They were an amazing group of wounded souls who had been joined together by circumstances, and they built a family. She could see the way they treated each other, lovingly teasing, but fiercely protective, and Kit was lucky, they accepted her. Yeah, this could be to perfect place for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  For hours they worked, answered phones, and went to the bathroom, that was pretty much it, and honestly they were all stiff. Data looked at Kit who had the habit of biting her lips.

  He found it cute, and so did Numbers. After the last few hours of brushing against each other constantly while working, their attraction was obvious. Obvious, hell, it was palpable, a living thing that grew and developed with the ticking of the clock.

  The computer Kit was using was the one Data and Numbers had built themselves one day when they were bored, the damn thing was one of the best computers either of them had every put together and to see her hands and fingers working on the keys made them proud. Yeah they were total geeks, but so was she.

  “Come on,” Numbers said, pushing back from the computer. “We need to take a break, stretch, grab something to eat. This is giving me a headache.”

  Data and Kit didn’t argue. They stood and stretched and then together they wandered to the kitchen. “That computer is amazing,” Kit said softly and both men smiled and looked at her.

  When she had come in and sat down, they presented the computer to her like it was the Super Bowl Trophy. Kit had run her hand over the cover and both men had grinned and then went back to work. In no time the trio was hacking sites in the town the Ops used to live in. They were gathering information from the town, the business, the cell phone records, anything to help them. Then once they had the information, they would run reports to call into Creed.

  About three hours after the Lady Riders had left, Creed had called back and informed them what the Ops were planning. Numbers and Data where both a little surprised about the plan but they agreed it had to happen at the same time. Creed and Fork were making deals with the devil to get more people and support. So far, they had a few, but they wanted more. So he asked if the three of them could find out clubs the Vipers had pissed off, which was a long list, but it worked for them because they had people to pick and choose from. The only deal was, most of them were clubs that were known to be vicious, dealing out retribution in heinous ways.

  “Thanks,” Data said and chuckled in that low and husky tone, and she shivered a little.

  “Numbers and I, we have been building computers for ten years.”

  Kit raised an eyebrow and she said, “I thought all of the Ops were ex-military members?”

  Numbers turned and said, “Where did you hear that?”

  Kit rolled her eyes. “Come on, I am not completely an innocent, I researched you as well before I got into contact.”

  “Really?” Data said slowly and she smiled and nodded.

  “Of course, I wasn’t going to give that poor girl to someone who was like the Vipers.

  When I met them for the first time, I seriously wanted to take a shower to wipe off the filth, there was no way Jas should have been close to them at all.”

  Data nodded. “Well, your research was right, we are both ex-military.”

  “And yet you are hackers?” she teased and Numbers laughed.

  “Yeah, trust me, we are capable of protecting you.”

  Kit looked in surprise and said, “Of course you are, I don’t want you to think I was implying anything else. I was just saying, being in the military and being a computer hacker, I would bet you have seen some exciting things.”

  Data nodded. “What else did the research turn up about us?”

  Kit stared at him and then said, “A real actual search that someone who doesn’t know how to dig? There was very little, I found your names tied with the Ops and that was about it.

  Numbers is named as the CFO of the Ops Warriors Corporation. Now when I dug a little deeper I found a few other things. Like Data’s parents are both deceased and he doesn’t have any siblings, while Numbers has five brothers and sisters, and your parents are living in Palm Springs. You met in the military and every time you had leave, Data, you went with Numbers home.”

  Both men leaned back and smiled as she continued to talk about what she discovered, they were both impressed and pleased she had been curious enough to look into them. “I didn’t have a picture of either of you, although I did find a few of the other Ops. I admit, I was a little interested in why you both chose to enlist instead of going to college and getting a degree.”

  Numbers shrugged. “We would have been one of the masses, what we do isn’t so special, everyone is a hacker these days, so nothing is new here. However, joining the military, we had a chance to use our knowledge to really help someone.”

  She smiled and shrugged. “Much the same as why I actually studied computers. Did you know in Mexico the government is so far behind with technology that some of the police stations have no internet at all. So when they want to solve a crime, they don’t have the resources?”

  Data frowned and nodded. “Sure, I think we all know that.”

  “Yes, well did you know my best friend when I was growing up was kidnapped and murdered by her neighbor after he was released from prison, but because of the lack of technology, the local police didn’t know this man even had a past. They overlooked him several times, and because of that, not only were four more children killed in our area, but also, when they discovered the information, the man was already gone. I listened to my mother and father talk about the internet, and the computers which would have helped save the children. I didn’t really understand what they meant but I did go to s
chool the next day and ask some questions. I used the library, which had an old computer that was slow as molasses. Over the year, I waited and watched, when I had the opportunity to actually work on a computer, I found I had a gift. So with the help of my parents, and a few of my teachers, I discovered that I wanted to help people.”

  Numbers frowned. “Then how did you end up as a secretary?”

  Kit laughed loud and she said, “That was my father’s idea. After I went to college, they were worried about me working with our local police. They aren’t the most honest people if you know what I mean. I had just graduated with my degree, and neither of my parents really understood what I did, so my father insisted I try to work for his boss first, and then if I didn’t like it I could switch. I agreed, and the sad part was, that I was almost ready to quit, being a secretary for the last few years completely sucked. But the money was good, and I admit I liked to help my parents with getting things that in the past had been out of their reach, like a dishwasher for my mother, and a real lawn mower instead of a push one for my father.”

  Both men nodded and Numbers said, “That makes perfect sense.”

  “Well my father wasn’t completely fond of the fact I wanted to help, he felt like I was saying he didn’t provide for his family. It took my mother’s interference to convince him of that.

  But it worked out,” she said.

  Data nodded and then went and grabbed the stuff to make sandwiches and Numbers grabbed water bottles while Kit grabbed some chips. It was like they had been living together for a long time. They moved in sequence and worked until the food was on the table and then they sat. The rest of the meal was filled with getting to know one another.

  Kit was relaxed and Data really hated to bring this up, especially since Kit was dealing with the loss of her parents, but it was better to bring it to the forefront and deal with it now, rather than later. He cleared his throat and said, “Kit, we need to talk.”

  She turned to him and smiled and said, “Of course, isn’t that what we are doing?”

  Numbers smiled and nodded. “Maxi messaged us and asked if you wanted a picture of your family’s grave? He set up the burial and funeral, unfortunately since what happened we had to make it look like you were also killed. So uh, no one would look for you, at least no one but the assholes we want to.”

  The smile fell from her face and she stared at them for a second then her eyes dropped.

  Shit, Numbers and Data hated making her upset. “You don’t…”

  “Yes I do,” Kit said with a strong voice. “I would like a picture of their grave. When all of this is over, maybe I can go back and see the grave in person.”

  “We promise we will help,” Numbers said and Kit tilted her head.

  “You can’t promise that. You don’t know if when all of this is done if we will ever see each other again.”

  Data frowned and shook his head. “Yeah we can.”

  Kit smiled softly and said, “We will agree to disagree about that.”

  Numbers shook his head. “Nope, we won’t, because we are going to be around long after this is over.”

  “Okay, how about, I may not be close enough,” Kit pushed and Data grinned and shook his head.

  “Sorry, not going to happen either. We are gonna lay our cards out on the table here, we know the Lady Riders talked to you about the Ops, you know what we are about and everything.

  Well, I know everything is just so up in the air and everything, but we know you feel it as do we.” Kit stared at them and didn’t answer right away.

  “My headspace is all messed up,” Kit admitted and Numbers smiled.

  “No worries, we can help straighten it out later, just asking to be open to the possibility.”

  She bit her lip and then stared at both men. They were right, she was attracted to them, but she didn’t trust it. So much had happened. Right now, she was ready to grasp onto anything that made her feel remotely normal.

  Kit leaned back and said, “How about we take this one step at a time. Right now, we have information to find to help your people out. We have been on a break for about an hour, so we had better get back to it.”

  Numbers nodded and said, “We will let you get away with avoiding for now. But soon, honey, soon there isn’t going to be anything you can use as a buffer.”

  The three cleaned up their lunch mess and then went back into the office. While they were gone they had several of their searches finish and they printed reports. Kit went and pulled the papers from the printer and she read out loud.

  “According to these records, someone has been texting Jas’s phone daily. I know Shady has already asked her who she was texting, but this number is not on the list Jas gave her mom.”

  Data frowned and said, “Jas would not bullshit her mother. She knows the consequences, trust me, there is no way that she is going to go against Shady.”

  Kit frowned and held up the paper. “Well the numbers don’t lie.”

  Numbers swirled back in his chair to face the computer and said quickly, “No they don’t, if you look on the actual account documents, but on a phone, you can have a clone number show up and appear like you are talking to one person but in reality you can be talking to someone completely different.”

  “Spoofing?” Data growled and he picked up the phone and dialed Creed’s cell. When their leader picked up he told him what they had discovered as Kit walked to the computer she had been working on and sat down. If someone was spoofing that meant someone with a computer background was behind some of it. She was going to find out who.

  “Creed, you need to get Shady, we need to get everyone on the same page right now.

  Also, you need to call the Black Hawks and have them take Jas’s phone and buy her a new burner one,” Data said and then Numbers stared at the screen and did a crossmatch to find whose number had really been texting Jas. When the name popped up on the screen he was certain the Lady Riders were going to ride soon, because they weren’t going to stand for this shit.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kit had fallen asleep on the couch while the men had continued to do the research they needed to prove the club in Arizona had been attempting to lure Jas to them. Things had gotten intense, and Kit had been so wrapped up in everything, she hadn’t realized the sandwiches they ate for lunch was the last thing all three of them consumed more than twelve hours ago. But when she had gotten up to make something for them all to eat, she had been told to nap first. Kit had been too tired to argue so she had walked to the corner, laid down on the fluffy couch that was in the office, and immediately thought of the men who were working such a short distance away.

  The hours spent with them, talking to them, touching them, even laughing with them though the situation around them was bleak. She’d never been around men who put her so at ease. How was that even possible in such a short time? One thing she knew, life could change in a matter of hours, it had for her a few days ago. If Kit had known that morning that she would never see her parents alive again, she would have told them she loved them and always would.

  Now, as she laid on the couch, she knew she would never take life for granted again. With one last look at the men across the room she sighed and closed her eyes.

  Kit knew she wanted them both, how could she not. Numbers was strong and handsome, and from the first time she had seen him, she felt there was something between them. She felt safe with him. Data was her sexy dream man; from the first time she heard his voice over the phone she had thought he was something special. Together they held her heart in their hands, and both of them knew it.

  She had been told what a ménage relationship was like and it interested her. Who the hell would it not interest? The Lady Riders told her about their experiences. They were happy and strong, there was nothing that could come between them. Shady had even told her that her men had helped heal her. Since then, she had been curious, so while she had done a few searches when she was alone or the guys weren’t paying attention,
and after actually getting through the bullshit on the net, which honestly was just that, a bunch of bullshit. Kit had even run across a few sites that spoke about BDSM, something she wasn’t interested in, but still, she read the stories. Harmony had told her about the books she read, and how she had favorite authors, Kit had made a list.

  When Kit laid down, she knew she was going to dream about them. Her dream of the day when both Numbers and Data would come to her, take her in their arms and surround her and claim her as theirs. Just like the way Shady and Boo had shared. Harmony freaked her out a little with the whole spork thing, so she didn’t use any of her story. She could almost feel their lips on hers as they finally admitted what they all craved, they wanted her, they wanted a life with her.

  Numbers was more of a serious man; Kit could see him as the one who took charge in the bedroom. With one look, she could feel everything he wanted to do, and she was more than willing to give it to them. Give herself to them, she wanted them to take her together, claim her as their own. It was the last thought she had as her body gave into sleep.

  Numbers smiled down at her, and no words would need to be spoken. They would feel her love and acceptance from her touch. She reached up, wrapped her arms around Numbers’s neck, and pulled him down to her. Their lips touched so softly at first that Kit would be impatient and would lean closer to make sure he got the message. He did, and so did Data who was behind her.

  She could feel his hands moving her hair, and his lips touching her neck first and then move and explore the crevice between her shoulder and cheek, until she squirmed between them.

  The feel of both of their mouths would drive her crazy.

  Numbers and Data would undress her silently, touching her everywhere. She could almost feel their hands on her body. It felt good, and no matter what other people said, Kit knew that both of these men were meant for her.