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Scorched (Furies MC Book 3) Page 9

  The women nodded, and Anya looked at Torch and stepped closer to him and said, “I would prefer to—”

  “Anya,” Torch interrupted and stared down at her, and he felt something flow through him. She was staring at him with such trust, just like when they were together, and Torch smiled a little and softened his voice, “Go down, I will be down in a few minutes.”

  She looked hesitant, and then Coco wrapped an arm around Anya and said, “Come on, honey, get comfortable, and maybe find Maci something to eat.”

  Anya paused and then took Torch’s hand and squeezed it in support and nodded then went below. Torch waited until the door shut and he turned to his President and looked at him. Fling was leaning against the rail, looking over the dock, just letting his eyes wander around. Torch leaned next to him and waited.

  “Sunny is excited your daughter is coming, she misses having kids around. Said they help keep us all young,” Fling said softly, and Torch nodded. “When I saw that picture, I knew I had to come here, I couldn’t chance Sunshine would see him. She was devastated by Titan’s, Devon’s, and Birdie’s deaths. It took her fucking forever to stop grieving. Family is everything to that woman, is to me too. Family, Sam is coming home, wants to join the club, passed his mechanic’s exam. Lena has one more year in college, and is also coming home, says she wants to help the Lady Riders with abused women, will have her degree in Psychology. Sunny didn’t ask them, they just announced they were coming home, said they had been away too long from the family. You see what I am saying, all of us are their family, not just me and Sunny but the Furies.”

  “I know,” Torch said quietly, and Fling kept talking.

  “Killed me to tell you that you had a kid you didn’t know about. The whole thing fucking stinks. There is a rat somewhere, don’t know where, but there is one. Heard from our contact on the hill, said the mission wasn’t given to anyone but us, only us. But they have an injured Justice Department Agent in the hospital where your girl put him. Another they don’t know where, and this guy Loki fucked up. All of them are kosher you know; they were straight arrows. Said they were told to get to Vancouver and get your woman and her daughter back into custody ASAP by whatever means necessary, because get this, your woman had important information vital to National Security.”

  Torch stood and looked at his President hard and said, “No fucking way, there is no way Anya has any kind of important information like that. I know her, she would have told me. She said they told her they would tell me where she was. They said her seeing the assholes selling weapons was dangerous to me. It was bullshit, and so is this.”

  “I know, brother,” Fling said. “What I don’t get, is the guy down below. How in the fuck did they figure this? How did they know to send him? And what was the end purpose? Titan is dead, nothing is bringing him back, we suffer with that shit day in and day out. It doesn’t add up, him. Which is why we are all here. I couldn’t chance not knowing, I couldn’t chance Sunny would see him and lose her shit all over. She is good, we are good, I won’t put her through that again. We have four days to figure out what the fuck is going on, that’s how long it will take us to get to San Diego. I brought backup, they deserved to be here as well. We’ll deal with him, while you deal with your woman. We need to put shit back together again, figure out what we are missing. Something or someone has a lot to lose here, they are covering their tracks. One of them is your woman. If you want her to be safe, breathe safe air, we figure this out now. The others at the compound are working on the traitorous fuckwit, we will find him too. This shit is dragging on, time for us to get on top of it. There are a lot of people we could be helping, but we aren’t because of all this shit. We voted to do this because we all wanted a purpose, Titan wanted a purpose, he was the one who loved helping people, loved this shit. Not going to fail him, brother, not going to fail our club.”

  Torch nodded, and Fling put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, it was a sad smile, one Torch knew he was thinking about his kid. It tore him up knowing that he was thinking about Dev, and there was nothing to be done. He would work it out. Four days, not a lot of time, but enough for him to figure out what the fuck he was going to do.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I knew there was a reason I wasn’t a Squid, I could never stand the rocking, back and forth, back and forth,” Ridge said slowly, and the asshole turned a little green, not a lot but a little. Enough so they could all see it, and they rolled their eyes, all of them.

  Loki threw another grape at the man who was tied to the chair. It earned him a glare, but he didn’t give a shit, the fucker was playing with them. About thirty minutes ago, when Tank, Ridge, Tally, and Boomer had walked in, Loki noticed the vessel in the man’s neck pop out just enough, so Torch knew he was awake. He motioned to the others who nodded and sat down. They proceeded to talk about nothing for about ten minutes, then Tally began to hit the man’s foot, just nudging him. Boomer began tapping on the table to be annoying. Ridge just watched, but Loki began to throw things at him, to see if the man would flinch.

  “Yeah, well,” Boomer said, “we get out far enough, we could use some bait.”

  Loki threw another grape and the man who was faking opened his eyes and stared at him, then he looked around the room, at the others. They were wearing their cuts like Loki was. And since they hadn’t put the duct tape back on, the asshole finally spoke, “Wanna tell me why I am tied up AGAIN?” and Loki laughed loudly and hit Ridge on the shoulder playfully.

  “Brother, the asshole wants to know why he is tied up.”

  “Well B-jorn, is that how you pronounce it? B-and then-jorn? Well, whatever, we will stick with asshole, it seems to work for us. Well, asshole, the reason why you’re tied up, is because we have some questions for you,” Tank said and stepped forward. “See, if we don’t like what you have to say, we need to keep our options open.”

  The asshole shook his head. “Questions from you? Look, I am the one who should be asking the question. I was at the hotel getting ready to do my job, and he fucking attacked me for no reason. Saying crazy shit about being dead, and plastic surgery.”

  The door opened, and Fling stepped inside, tilted his head to the side, and Boomer said, “Hey, boss, the asshole just woke up. Well, he woke up a while ago and was fucking with us.”

  “Yeah, well playtime is over,” Fling said and walked to stand in front of the young man then he said, “So, why don’t you tell me about yourself, boy.”

  The kid smiled and shook his head, stared at the biker, and said, “You have no clue who you are dealing with.”

  “Enlighten me,” Fling said and leaned back on the table.

  Anya heard the knock on the door and jumped to answer it. She hated leaving Max up on deck, it didn’t feel right. But she had. There was more to say. After last night, they hadn’t talked nearly enough, and when she went to bed, she and Coco had talked well into the night, and her best friend told her, if she wanted him, Anya was going to have to fight for him. Well, she was prepared to do that. There was no way she had waited five damn years to get her man back and Maci’s father back to let him slip through her fingers just because she decided to put Maci first.

  Max was pissed, and he had a right to be, but they had all be played, that much was obvious. She was done being in shock, and she was ready to get this sorted. Max didn’t have a choice. So, when they came down below the deck and met the two women who at first were really cold to her, that was until they actually listened to what Coco and Anya were saying. And what they said was, that Anya had never left Max behind. It was Georgie who asked her right out what her intentions were.

  “Seriously?” Coco had snapped, and Georgie stood, and Anya had grimaced. She was a biker babe, so was Casey, that was very evident. She had watched the shows, she knew what biker clubs were like, well, maybe not totally.

  “Um yeah, ‘cause I asked it out loud, and what is up with the hippie braids?” Georgie snapped.

  “My braids are not hippie, t
hey are boho, and Anya’s intentions are none of your business, they are her and Max’s,” Coco snapped back.

  “Well, in case you didn’t notice, Max is in a club, it’s called the Furies. And all the men take it seriously. We all live on the same compound, we are a family, all of us and, honey, you are going to need to fit into our world, not the other way around. Not sure boho or hippie is biker,” Casey drawled.

  Coco frowned. “I don’t need to fit into your world, I have my own world. Anya and Maci don’t need to fit in your world either, they have been through enough. They do not need to seek your approval for anything.”

  “Really?” Georgie said, and Coco stepped forward.

  “Yeah, really, my fath—”

  “Not impressed, don’t throw your daddy’s name around. I could give a shit less, and so could Georgie,” Casey said slowly.

  Maci walked in between all the women and held up her Barbie Max bought her. “See, I have a biker doll. My daddy bought her for me. My mom says I can grow up and be like her if I want, but I can’t have a picture drawn on me until I am waaaayyyyyy older, like maybe ten or something.”

  Casey’s lips twitched, and Georgie looked down at the little girl and ran a hand over her pretty red hair. Anya and Coco smiled, and then they all caught each other eyes, and it only took a moment and then they all laughed loudly.

  “Shady,” Georgie explained. “You will meet her, she’s a Lady Rider. She said when the guys started taking new women we would all be catty. I never thought I was that type, but hey I am! Woot, coming into the whole Biker Bit—babe.”

  “Yeah, and he helped rescue me, and because of it I got him shot…” Casey said slowly, and Anya’s eyes widened. “And you didn’t know that so we will never ever mention it again, and I have a monkey!”

  “What?” Maci whispered and Casey looked down at her and smiled.

  “Yep, he’s tiny.”

  Things got way better with the conversation. The three women told Anya to go get cleaned up, they would watch Maci, and she took them up on it. She was glad she did because Anya knew Torch was the one knocking. She was more than ready to force him to deal. Wearing only a t-shirt and panties, since her pants were on the chair, she smiled and then sat down on the bed and posed, or tried to pose, sexy.

  Anya yelled, “Come in.”

  Anya sucked in a breath when there was another knock on the door. Shit, steel doors, he couldn’t hear her. Thank God, she felt like an idiot. Anya stood and walked to the door and opened the latch.

  “Hey,” she whispered when she saw Max standing there. He looked at her from head to toe, and then he stepped into the room and grabbed her hand, then swung the door shut.

  He didn’t speak, there was no need. She could see the intense look in his eyes, and she sucked in a breath as he pushed her back against the cold steel. He looked her in the eyes and then his head dipped and he was kissing her. Anya braced, the kiss was like raw emotion. Max had never kissed her like that before. Even when he had been gone for a while on deployment.

  Torch shifted his head so he could take her mouth deeper. He needed to taste her again. Sliding his tongue through her lips, she opened her mouth willingly. Kissing her deeply, she sighed and just hung on. This seemed to go on forever, their breaths rapidly increasing, becoming louder, mixed with small moans Anya couldn’t control as they dueled their tongues. He pulled back, and she followed him, not wanting to break the connection she had missed so much for five years.

  He didn’t stop, though. He was pulling up her shirt with a heated frenzy, and Anya tried to help, but he whipped the shirt over her head. Then he stared down at her and the bra he had bought her, and she saw a grin on his face. “Knew it when I saw it, baby, knew you would look fucking sexy in this.”

  Anya rolled her eyes and whispered, “Good to know you enjoyed buying me this.”

  He looked up and smiled. “I did, and I plan on buying more too, saw some sweet shit, baby. But still need to do the test.”

  “What test?” Anya asked, and he unhooked her bra with one hand and pulled the bra free and threw it over his shoulder. It fell on the floor, and Torch turned and looked at it. ‘What on earth?” she whispered, and he turned back and smiled.

  “Yep, passed the test, looks good on you, babe, but honestly, looks better on the floor crumpled after I took it off you,” he whispered, and she rolled her eyes.

  His eyes went to her breasts, and he moved his hand and traced her nipple. Anya sucked in a breath, and he smiled again. “So responsive.”

  He touched her, caressed her, and then he tasted her again, bending his head and sucking her nipple into his mouth fast and hard. And the frenzied feeling returned. She held onto his shoulders as he pressed into her. She felt his leg between her legs and she couldn’t help herself, she rubbed on his thigh. Her panties were the only barrier to her clit, and the silkiness of the material gave her enough friction.

  Then he switched breasts, and she groaned loudly, “God!”

  She pulled at his shirt, and he moved to allow her to get it off, and she threw it as well. Torch reached for her arms and moved then to pin them above her head, holding her steady as he kissed his way up and down her neck, breasts, and mouth. It felt so good, so real.

  He held her hands with one of his, and then reached down and pulled her panties until they fell on the floor. She kicked loose and then she felt his hand between her legs. Anya sucked in a breath as he entered her with two fingers, and slammed his mouth down on hers. Oh my God, she thought, moving her legs wider for Max to get into her pussy.

  Torch wanted in her, but he made sure she was wet. When he felt her dripping, he moved and unbuckled his jeans. He was impatient, dammit. He wanted her too much. Torch pulled his mouth away from hers and said, “You ready, baby?”

  Anya moaned and opened her eyes, she didn’t need to say anything, her passion-filled eyes were more than enough. “You are ready,” he answered his own question. She nodded and kissed him giving it her all. Goddamn, he thought and got his pants down but not off, didn’t have time, she was ready.

  Torch let go of her hands and moved to her ass, lifting her up. Anya wrapped her legs around him, and he positioned his dick right at her opening. He pulled back and stared at her as he pushed inside her. Fuck, it was like coming home. Her pussy was hot, wet, and fucking snug. Damn, it felt so good, he almost shot his load right there, but he held back. Kissing her, Anya wrapped her arms around him as he pressed her back into the wall.

  She didn’t even feel the cold, her skin was one fire from having his touch again. “Please,” she whispered as she tore her mouth from his. Torch growled and then kissed her neck, licking her pulse that was going wild. Anya gripping his shoulders, digging her nails into him as he moved faster and faster. “Honey, harder.”

  Torch moved faster, and she responded by leaning forward and latching her mouth on his shoulder, biting softly. She knew what it did to him when she did that, it drove him crazy. When they were together, she had found out when she did this, he would lose control, that hadn’t changed because he slammed into to her.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “Come on, baby, get there.”

  She nodded, and she felt him move, so he was hitting her clit harder with each pass. Anya felt it rising in her, the feeling a woman gets right before she comes, the rise of electricity in her, the feeling you can’t contain. Fuck, she thought as she gasped loudly, crying out his name, thankful the steel doors would have drowned out the noise.

  Torch moved through her orgasm, grunting for three more strokes until he came inside her, and it hit him.

  “Goddamn, I wanted you so bad, I forgot a condom.” Torch leaned his forehead against hers.

  “Uh...there was never anyone else, so I didn’t have a need for birth control.” Anya fought to catch her breath.

  “Fuck it, what are the chances?” Torch asked as they looked into each other’s eyes. Later, Torch would smile about it, if she got pregnant. At least this time, he was going to
be there for the whole thing. The more he thought of her pregnant with a kid in her belly, the more it appealed to him.

  Shit, he thought as he moved back a little, kissed her and said, “Let’s move to the bed.” She giggled and then proceeded to help remove his clothes, and they moved to the bed to continue their reunion.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Um, I think we have things to talk about,” Anya whispered, and Torch stared at her for a minute, and then he laughed loudly. They had spent the afternoon in bed, thankfully Coco and the others had kept Maci busy.

  “Yeah, baby, I think we have a few things to talk about,” Torch said, and she grinned.

  “Maybe we can multitask. Because Coco and the girls are watching Maci, who is thrilled to have new women to torment with all her questions about hair and make-up. So, we have a little while before she’ll want me or you to be with her,” Anya whispered.

  Torch smiled bigger and said, “I think I can do that.” He picked her up and moving until Max was laying on his back, and he pulled Anya halfway over him, then he said, “Okay, let’s get this out of the way.”

  Anya nodded. “What?”

  Max ran a hand up and down her back and said, “I have to tell you a little bit about my club.”

  “Your motorcycle club?” Anya whispered, and he nodded. “Okay.”

  “This is hard to explain. See when you left, I kinda shut down.” When Anya went to speak, he said, “I know, baby; it’s not your fault. But listen. You know how I felt about family, and you know how I wanted one. With you gone, I figured I would never have that. You were the only woman I have ever contemplated asking to marry me. I was going to, you know, ask. When I came back, I had the ring and everything.” He saw her eyes tear up, and he tightened his arms around her. “You were gone, and I couldn’t stay there. I put in for a transfer right away, couldn’t stand being in the house we both loved. They sent me to the same base Fling and the others guys were at. I met them and felt something, it was like I belonged again. I can’t explain it. But it was just right. Fling and his brother-in-law, Titan, whose father ran the club when they were young. They liked it, so they decided to create the Furies MC. All of us agreed, and Titan was thrilled, and someone took notice that all of us were planning to get out together. Suddenly, we are mercenaries working for the government again. Been doing it since. A lot of shit has gone down because of what we do, including Titan, his old lady, and Fling’s son being killed. It’s not a normal life, baby. You gotta make this decision, ‘cause I can’t. I don’t want to choose between you, they are my family but so are you and Maci.”