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Shattered (Furies Book 2)
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Furies MC
Book Two
by Harley McRide
Published by JK Publishing, Inc.
© Copyright September 2016 Harley McRide
Rights & Permissions © September 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.
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ISBN #978-1-370-71767-5
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This series is dedicated to my fans, for each book a reader will choose the main character’s name, and road name. I truly believe there is something special in all of you, whether it is teaching, nursing, stay at home parent, we all have the imagination worthy of becoming a story.
Jacob ‘Ridge Runner’ Thomas was named by Lauree Hamm, after a beloved family member! Please enjoy his story.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Books by Harley McRide
About the Author
The Furies MC was who they were, mercenaries was what they did, and completing missions off the records was how they worked. Every single one in the Furies MC had been in the military in one branch or another. But that wasn’t what this was about. Their club wasn’t about military; it was about doing what was right. Having the training in an abundance of different skills, made it easier to do what they had to do. They hadn’t started out to do this, they had just fallen into it. Like most things, it started out small: someone asked a favor and they did it. They became known in certain circles and when people had a problem they called the Furies. Then the government had become involved, mostly because there were things they couldn’t be associated with, for obvious reasons, a government sanctioned operation doing half of what the Furies did would probably land the US in some hot water. So instead, they stocked up on burn spray and dealt with it.
Here is how it worked: Fling would get a stack of requests every week and he would go through them, but the government took priority, mostly because it usually had the Furies getting fellow servicemen out of a hostile environment or dealing with terrorists. Then it was the hopeless cases, the ones where families were in dire need of immediate help. They were all put on a tier and then sorted. It sounded like a bad movie script, but they didn’t give a shit.
Currently, after the last assignment, which had raised a lot of old shit, including the murder of their President’s son and their Vice, the club had decided to take a week off and party it up, let some of the stress go. So, Ridge was drinking a beer and doing what Fling asked, which was to do research. When Fling gave out the assignments he always made sure to research the area to determine who had the skills needed to complete the mission.
Ridge only made it through two files before he ordered pizza, then another three before he had gotten another beer. The guys had been chilling together in the main room all day, it seemed none of them wanted to leave the compound. It didn’t really surprise him; they were all a little raw after the last mission.
When he hit the sixth file, Ridge felt the blood rush out of his head and he just stared at the file. Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck, was all he could think. He closed his eyes briefly and then read the entire file front to back. When he was done, Ridge picked up the phone and called their contact at the Pentagon. He needed more info than what was in the file to know exactly what they were looking at. By the time he hung up the phone, Ridge was already trying to figure out what they needed to do. One of them was calling their President and telling him that things had changed.
Because he just read in the file that Kasey Monroe had been taken hostage in Kathmandu, Nepal while on a secret mission for the military. And Jacob ‘Ridge Runner’ Thomas wasn’t fucking around. She was Tank’s sister for one, and second, she was also the woman who had already taken his heart, well, she would be it if he ever actually had to settle down. Unfortunately, Ridge wasn’t going to settle down, he had way too many fucking issues to ever become a burden on some woman. He knew it, and was honest about it, which was why after he’d fucked Kasey one night when he was drunk and a little more than depressed he told her he wasn’t made for relationships, she had said she didn’t want anything more either so all was well. Hell, she had been a man’s wet dream because she had been serious about not wanting more and she was far from clingy. That was the last time he had seen her, it had been on her one visit to see Tank before she shipped out, that had been months ago, and every day since he kicked his own ass because of it. Not because of what happened, but because he had fooled himself into thinking having her once was enough. But it wasn’t. She was perfect for him, tall and lithe, her body wasn’t skinny, it was muscular and curved in all the right places. Her long blond hair made a man want to sink his hands into it and just feel, she was beautiful to him, although she had laughed wh
en they first met, saying she looked more like her brother’s twin than his younger sister.
Ridge looked up and stared into the main room and took a deep breath, fuck, he needed to get this shit over with. Tank was going to fucking flip. He motioned to Torch who frowned and then came to the door and lifted his chin. “Get Tank.” He heard them call for Tank, yet he still stared at the pages in front of him. He was getting too old for this shit, even if he was built similar to the man who he had just called into the office. The two of them had been called the ‘twin towers’ on more than one occasion. But where Tank was light, he was dark, his skin always seemed to be tanned from riding his bike, his hair, which was a dark brown, was currently longer and had lightened from being in the sun.
Why the fuck had they waited so long to ask for help? She’d been in that hellhole for months. Dammit, her fucking father was going to need to answer some questions like fucking fast. If not to him, to Tank, because he was certain that meeting wasn’t going to be pleasant.
“What’s up?” Tank asked as he walked into the room and smiled.
Bear handed him the papers and Tank smiled and looked down, Ridge knew the second he saw his sister’s name, because his face went hard. He kept reading and then, without warning, turned and punched a hole in the wall to the left of the door. Fling was gonna need to patch it for the fifth time. Ridge grimaced when Tank let out a yell so fucking loud Bear got close and prepared to contain him if needed.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he yelled.
The men from the main room jumped up and moved toward the office when they heard his roar. They waited to make sure they had Tank contained; the man was fucking huge. If he went on a rampage, he could trash the whole place. Ridge nodded to the men and it was Torch who stepped up and blocked the doorway first.
Ridge moved in close and said quietly, “Tank, listen to me, we are going to take care of this.”
“Fuck yeah we are,” Tank ground out. “But first, I’m gonna take care of that muther fucker for leaving her there. Four months! She has been in that hellhole for four goddamn months and we are just now being asked to help. Bro, you know what can happen to a woman overseas, especially if she went in with minimal backup. What the fuck was she thinking?”
Ridge shook his head and Bear held on as he tried to leave. “Brother, we’ll get this sorted. We deal with what we need to. First get her outta there, then we can worry about your asshole father.”
Tank growled, “You think I didn’t notice he went through fucking channels instead of calling my ass up and telling me about Kasey? Fucker did not want to face me; you know it and I know it. This will not go unanswered. If he fucking thinks he is gonna do Kasey like he did Ma, he has another fucking thing coming.”
Ridge sighed and nodded. Their father truly was an asshole. Getting to where he was in the government, meant he had to make hard decisions, and most people would respect that. They didn’t know the real man though, they only knew what he showed them, which in the public eye, was a strong military leader. In private though, he was just as ruthless. Tank had told the club one night, when they were hanging out, the real reason neither of the Monroe children had a relationship with their father.
“I know it, and we’ll deal with that shit later, man. Right now, think about Kasey. She has been in a jail in Nepal. We need to focus and get her ass out,” Ridge said and Tank nodded briskly.
“Who is going? I will. Kasey is not going to be another victim of that prick,” Tank snarled and Ridge looked at Bear who had finally released the large man knowing he was under control again. Torch shrugged and took a step back, the rest of the guys remained standing sentry just outside the office though. Ridge nodded and then looked at Tank again.
They all knew the problem Tank was having. It wasn’t pretty and honestly, Ridge didn’t blame either of them for hating their father. Tank and Kasey were just teenagers when it happened. They already knew their father was a prick. He was known as being a hard ass in the military. He had been working his way up the food chain and made a lot of enemies. When their mother had been kidnapped from a grocery store it had shaken the military community. Even though he wasn’t well liked, their mother had been. There was a ransom, all he had to do was pay it. But he said, just like the US, he did not negotiate with terrorists. He used her kidnapping as a political stepping stone to get to the position he was currently in. The fact that Tank and Kasey’s mother had been killed and sent back to them in pieces hadn’t been a worry for him. No, the General had played it up on national media, and for that, his children hated him. It didn’t surprise Ridge that he hadn’t told Tank, it pissed him off, but it didn’t surprise him.
“It will be me,” he said to his friend and waited for the argument.
Tank reared back a little and frowned. “You are in charge until Fling gets back.”
“Yeah, well you can take over,” Ridge said and then Tank’s eyes narrowed. “Bear is leaving in just a few hours, man, he is going with the Warriors to New York, remember?” Ridge said quietly.
“Fuck, pick someone else then, I don’t give a shit, my sister is the priority,” Tank snapped and then Ridge nodded slowly.
“No problem. But you aren’t going,” Ridge said.
He knew Tank was pissed at him, and he was ready for the backlash, but putting Tank in a foreign country to rescue his sister, that no one knew what condition she was in at this point, was not wise. He could already see the rage building up in Tank’s eyes. Ridge was pissed, but he also knew what could be waiting for him. But he didn’t care, he needed to get to Kasey and now.
“Fuck, I have point back here then, and you will be hooked up to coms the whole fucking time,” Tank continued and Ridge nodded.
“No problem, you have point, we’ll listen to coms. I’ll take Torch and Loki. I need the backup and since they can both fly helios we should be good. They will be my backup for the rest of the mission.”
Bear stepped up. “I’ll call Fling. He needs to know you’re all going.”
Ridge nodded and Tank still looked like he was gonna blow at any second. He knew he needed to get the man focused on something else, something that wouldn’t make him feel like he was helpless, because if not, Ridge was certain Tank would take off on his own to find his sister. Or to kill his father. And both were not acceptable.
“Get the com room setup, I’ll brief the guys and we’ll go from there. I need the last known location, and what exactly she was doing in Kathmandu. We know the basics, but we need specifics,” Ridge said.
Tank nodded and walked to the door. He turned right before he left and said, “I know you will bring her home, brother,” right before he left.
Ridge nodded and then looked down at the picture, which had fallen out of the file that held Kasey’s information. Fuck, he really hoped Tank was right.
Kasey squinted and looked out of the bars of her cell to the only natural light she could see, which came from a small window down the hall. Other than that, she had the small light that hung from the ceiling, which only lit the cell in a weak glow. There were three guards she saw every day, that was it. For the last four months she had seen three guards who didn’t speak to her at all.
The guards were assholes, first she knew they didn’t speak English, but they also didn’t even give a shit if she tried to talk to them with hand motions when she needed something. So currently her hair was a mess, since she was only given a small wash bowl every night to use to clean up in. No comb, no soap, no toothbrush, only cold water and a small cloth, so she had to make do. Kasey had pulled her hair up and knotted it the third day she was here, she tried not to think about what she looked like. Although, she was certain she had dreadlocks by now, she was probably going to need to shave her head after she got out of here. If she got out of here.
Kasey had found a small rock under her bed and used it to mark the days off. Staring at the wall she wondered how long it would take her to get it filled up. It was depressing to think about. It was even more
depressing to think about not seeing her brother again. He was all she had left.
The second month she was here, she lucked out, if you could call it that. She had made a friend and he became the only thing she could talk to without feeling like she was going mad. One of the guards dragged a bag of grain through the hallway every single day, which made her grimace because it meant she was getting the same meal as the day before: some kind of mush. After an hour or so, she heard rustling and had looked out of her cell. What she saw had made her smile. It was the first time since she had been caught that she smiled. But then who wouldn’t have.
In the hallway she saw the smallest little monkey she had ever seen in her life picking up the small kernels of grain and shoving them in his mouth. Kasey had heard of them before she came here while she was doing research. The pictures she had seen didn’t do the little things justice. They were called Pygmy Marmosets, or in slang, finger monkeys, because they were so small, they could cling to a finger. Kasey had clicked her tongue trying to get it to come to her. He had just stared at her and then slowly backed away and hid in an open vent in the wall.
The next day the guard did the same thing but this time she was ready. She had used her time gathering the grain she could reach. So when she heard the rustle again she held out her hand full of grain and waited. The monkey had seen it, and stood looking for a long time. Today the bag hadn’t dropped as much grain, so she knew the little fellow would be hungry. But it still didn’t approach. It had ended up taking her a full week to win the little thing over.
Truthfully, it had given her something to do instead of sitting on her cot and being pissed off about being here and waiting for her father to fucking get her out, which she knew he wouldn’t do. He could have saved her mom but he had refused. So why think he would help her? She knew this was a baseless hope, but Kasey really wanted her brother to be notified because she knew he would come.