Property of (Ops Warriors MC Book 6) Read online

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  Making a decision she turned back to the bed and looked at her phone. She really didn’t have a choice; she was going to need to call and get some help from someone. Kit wasn’t equipped to deal with this situation. What the hell, who would be? She was a regular person; the tears started gathering, and she brushed them away angrily, no, she would not feel sorry for herself.

  Picking up the phone, she ran through the list of people in her head she knew, and none of them had the capabilities to help her really, and she didn’t want them to the end up like her parents if they did. Kit knew whomever she got to help her was going to need to be someone she didn’t know well. Mostly because she was going to bring a shitload of danger to their doorstep and they had to be able to handle it.

  She had one choice, and she knew what it was. Taking a deep breath, Kit picked up her phone and punched in the numbers from the small screen and waited. It was answered on the first ring.

  “Hello?” a soft, deep voice said into her ear.

  “Who is this?” she asked slowly and waited. Kit was taking a chance, she knew it, but really she had no other options.

  “My name is Asher,” the man said to her. “I belong to a club called the Ops Warriors, the girl you are talking about is one of our member’s daughter.”

  “Oh, is that a woman named Shady?” Kit asked hesitantly.

  “How do you know that?” the man asked slowly, and she took in a deep breath.

  “It is Angela’s daughter; she is coming for her as well,” Kit said, and she heard someone swear loudly on the other side of the phone.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She replied on a whisper, “Yes, listen, I know I don’t have the right to ask, but I am going to anyway. I need help, desperately,” and then she waited for the man’s reply.

  “Where are you?”

  She bit her lip to stop the sigh of relief coming out and then said, “First, I need to know I can trust you to help me.”

  “You can trust us,” the voice said smoothly, and she shook her head.

  Kit bit her lip and stared at the door, what choice did she really have? She could try to run by herself, but she knew she wouldn’t make it that far. She wasn’t a criminal, but going to the authorities was out of the question; going back to her home was also out; involving anyone else, not gonna happen. Well, she was screwed, and she knew it. Taking a deep breath, she said, “I have documents on a thumb drive, they can help you, but you need to help me get to a safe place.

  Right now I am in a hotel in Tijuana. They already know that I am here, although the room is in another person’s name, it is only a matter of time before they find out. So, I need to get out of here,” and she heard the man on the phone talking to someone else.

  “Send me the coordinates; I can be there in an hour,” the man said.

  She bit her fingernail and said, “I don’t have documents to get over the border.”

  The man chuckled deeply and said, “No worries, I will bring what we need.”

  Kit looked around and then said, “Okay, I will send them.”

  Data hung up the phone and turned to his friend before he said, “Come on, we are going to get her.”

  His brother nodded and turned, Creed and Fork were standing there with their arms crossed over their muscular chests in a way that was almost challenging. Data and Numbers both paused and then stood straight and looked at their leaders.

  “We can send Ice, Maxi, Easy, and Poke to get her,” Creed said, and Data shook his head.

  “Nah, she needs papers, so we are going to need to create a set, none of them know how to do it.”

  Fork nodded slowly and then said, “There is always the tunnel Boomer came through.”

  Numbers shook his head. “They already know about it, hell, they are probably using it themselves.”

  Creed sighed and shook his head. “I am not sure it is such a good idea for either of you to go.”

  Data frowned and said, “Why?”

  “Let’s be honest here. This woman, whoever she is, right now is an unknown, we are not sure if we can trust her or not. If this whole thing is a fucking play to get Shady out there, or for us to tip our hand where Jas is, then going to TJ is gonna be dangerous. If she is telling the truth and she wants to help, well, then we will get her here, but I don’t think…” Creed was saying.

  “You don’t think we can handle it?” Data snapped.

  Numbers all but growled, “Seriously? This is fucked up.”

  “We can’t risk…” Fork began, and Data shook his head.

  “Fuck that, you know we can handle ourselves, that is not the problem here, it is something else. Why the fuck don’t you want us going to help rescue her?”

  Creed sighed. “Are you sure it is a rescue, you two seem pretty adamant about it. We don’t know anything.”

  Numbers laughed out loudly. “Yeah, we didn’t know anything about Free, Harmony, hell even Shay before they came. I am just telling you now, there is something about her, something that makes me think she is a victim here.”

  Fork nodded and said, “We do too; we just wanted to figure out how invested you were.

  So when she comes back, you and Data are going to be her keepers. We can’t put her in with the other women at the safe house, which means we are going to need to stash her somewhere else.”

  Data frowned. “Where are you thinking?”

  Creed held out keys to the two bikers. “This is to General Tangs house on Coronado; he said it is stocked and ready to go for at least a week if not more. He left instructions on the table for the security codes. We have told the guys who are going with you to go right to the house when you get back, there are keys to a Humvee there as well. Your bikes will be brought back to the compound for you.”

  Numbers nodded and said, “So you wanted to know if we would protect her with our lives?”

  “Make no mistake, any of the guys would have followed our orders if we made them guard her, they would without hesitation. However, I think this woman is going to need someone who at least is friendly. Most of these assholes are just that, assholes.”

  Data nodded briskly and said, “Have someone take over our equipment, so we have it.”

  Creed and Fork nodded before stepping aside while Data and Numbers stalked out of the office and to their bikes without stopping. One stop to get the right equipment and they would be ready. Ice, Maxi, Bear, and Easy were already at their bikes putting the gear away.

  “Meet at the gate in twenty,” Poke called, and the two nodded and then got on their bikes and roared around the main house, down the street, and to a bungalow that was situated back against trees and rocks right next to the ocean. They loved their house; it was newly constructed, and they had paid a pretty penny for it considering where it sat. Their porch faced the ocean, so it was actually to the side instead of to the front as the other houses on the small street were.

  Without stopping to inspect the outside of their house like they would normally, they bound up the stairs and went to their respective offices and grabbed their go bag. Still a habit for the two men who had been out of the military for ten years now, but it was something that was ingrained in their heads. Just like breakfast, every single morning without fail both men woke at five a.m. without an alarm and ran six miles before coming back home, showering, and eating the same thing every morning, Lucky Charms.

  Chapter Six

  Kit sat on her bed waiting for the phone to ring and tell her they were close. After sending her hotel name and directions, she had received one reply: WE WILL TEXT WHEN WE ARE THERE. That was it, nothing else. Kit had no freaking idea how long it was going to take, or what to look for. The situation was unsettling, to say the least. She had taken off her sundress, put her long hair up in a ponytail since the whole coloring thing didn’t work, it was useless to use. She put on a pair of jeans and tank top, trying to look like a tourist. Once she had her shoes on, she sat on the bed and waited. That had been a half an hour ago, and sh
e knew she wasn’t going to be able to sit there for much longer.

  Every time she heard the elevator ping she tensed and listened for a door to shut somewhere on the floor. Kit was just waiting for the moment when a door did not shut, which meant someone was on the floor looking for something. If that happened before the men came, she knew she was gonna be in trouble.

  Kit stared at the phone again; another whole five minutes had passed. It was going to take longer than what she was giving them, she knew it logically, but still it didn’t stop her mind from going there. She didn’t know exactly what she was going to do, but she knew that right now, she was a sitting duck.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood and walked slowly to the window. There was nothing to see really, but still, it gave her something to do. As she stared she saw the traffic below, everyone seemed to be moving, going about their lives, and she was stuck up there. Dammit, she was not going to cry, she would save her breakdown for when she was safe. Her parents were gone, and she had no one in this world, Kit wasn’t going to be a blubbering mess when she was rescued.

  She turned back to the room and took a deep breath thinking about the last few years. She had been so hopeful, learning she had a gift with computers and worked day and night in the sweatshop to make sure she received an education. Her father hadn’t been supportive, her mother had, which is the only reason she had been able to achieve her goal. She smiled a little, her mom.

  She was big into tradition, which was okay, but the tradition in her country meant she was to be obedient to her parents until she was married and then to her husband. Kit had never been good at that, like ever. She had dreams, and they were important to her, her mother knew that and respected it.

  Kit felt herself tearing up and she forced the emotion down; she couldn’t deal yet, but the memories were just flooding through. As a child, her family, everything, her life had been filled with love, but it had been hard. She didn’t know until she grew up a little just how much her father worked to make sure things were good for their family. He scrimped and saved so she would have a better life, but then when she began to get one, Kit really thought he wasn’t sure how to handle it. He didn’t want her to leave. He wanted her to stay and continue their traditions, but it was not who she was. She had grown into a different person because of her education. But she really thought he was going to come around, and now, she would never find out though, dammit, she thought as she shook her head and then walked to the door and looked out the peephole; she needed something, anything, to take her mind off her situation.

  She thought about the man who talked to her on the phone. She liked his voice and instantly felt like there was something, she felt like she could trust in him. Kit wasn’t a complete moron, before actually sending the message she had done a little research on the Ops Warriors and their members. The group of men didn’t like to be on the map much. Finding information about them had been hard, but with her skills, she had been able to dig up a little. Especially when she searched Angela Reyes and Francesca Reyes. A lot of information came up about them, then it was easy to use keywords to search things. The fact that the two male Reyes had been killed in skirmishes the last few years had been easy to find. In Mexico, people weren’t so careful when someone who was involved in a crime against children was killed.

  From there, using a few of the names who were listed as witnesses had led her to several different places. Basically, what she had found out in the short period of time she had was that the Ops Warriors were a group of men and women who started a corporation that bought a mine in Nevada/Arizona. They worked on rebuilding the small town that had once been a wealthy community but had fallen on hard times when the previous owners of the mine thought the resources it held dried up. It hadn’t, and the group had made a great deal of money on the endeavor. Within the last two years, they had sold the property to someone else and moved to California where they proceeded to buy land and appeared to be reestablishing themselves in San Diego. That was as much as she knew, but she had found several pictures of the men. Kit had been impressed; they looked nothing like the miscreants the Vipers were.

  Kit heard the ding of the elevator, she tensed and then held her breath and waited. She was still standing by the door and could hear the footsteps in the hallway. She was afraid to breathe; she waited, and when she didn’t hear a door, she felt herself begin to panic a little. Kit leaned forward and looked out the peephole. There was no one standing outside her door. She moved slowly, stepping back, not making any noise until she was in the middle of the room. Kit stood and stared at the door, just waiting for something, anything to happen.

  She finally allowed herself to take a deep breath; she did it slowly so she wasn’t loud when she gasped. Kit was in the room by herself, and she was still afraid to make a noise for fear they would hear her. She slowly let the breath out, and then sucked in, making herself breath so she didn’t pass out. A noise drew her attention to the bed, the light on the small computer was shining. Kit moved slowly and looked down at the screen, it was a message from her friend, someone had come asking questions about her. He had covered for her, but he was worried they would be able to trace the reservation. Kit hated to tell him, they already had, shit.

  Kit picked up the phone and looked at it—nothing. She bit her lip then turned and walked back to the window and looked down. How long did she have? She wasn’t sure, but she was going to need to have a backup plan. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the call button next to the number she had used earlier. She waited as it connected, biting her fingernail again as she tried to think what to say. When a woman answered the phone instead of a man she was thrown a little.

  “Lo,” the woman said.

  Kit paused for a second. “Hello? I, uh, well I am looking for someone,” she said lamely, then rolled her eyes and looked at the ceiling. Yeah, that sounded intelligent.

  “Kinda figured that,” the woman chuckled and said, “sorry, this is the office line; everyone is out right now. Can you call back?”

  Kit shook her head and said, “No!”

  “Ookayy,” the woman said. “Well, then can you tell me who you are trying to reach?”

  Well, that is the question now, isn’t it? “Asher?”

  “Oh, well this is Shady, Asher isn’t here right now; he is on a…”

  Shady, Angela’s daughter, what did she say? Did she know Kit? Had they told her about what Angela said? “He is coming to get me; I have a little problem.”

  The woman sucked in a breath, and she knew Shady was aware of who she was. Dammit, was she going to blame her? “Is there a problem?” Shady asked her briskly, and Kit grimaced a little, she didn’t know what to make of that.

  “Kinda, well, see I am at…” Kit started.

  “No names,” Shady said quickly. “I know where you are.”

  “Oh, okay, well I received word that my position may be compromised. I mean, it was, and I don’t really know how long I have before someone gets here. I was wondering if you knew how long they were going to be. I just need to decide if I leave here to, you know, get away, how are they going to find me?” Kit said in a rush. There was silence, and she almost hung up the phone, but Shady said.

  “Don’t leave; they will be there soon. Are you sure they know where you are?”

  Kit sighed and said, “Yes, I saw a man already before I came up here. I, uh, told Asher about it, and I thought I would have time, but the person whose name is on the hotel reservation said there was someone asking questions, so it won’t be real hard for them to make the connection to get a room number.”

  “Okay, let me think,” Shady said, and Kit nodded and then looked back at the door and took a deep breath. She felt better, she was not so alone right now, and even if something happened, knowing that someone, anyone, knew she was there and what was happening, made it so much easier. She felt calmer, less shaky.

  A minute had gone by and then she heard Shady talking to someone, another woman, wait, what was the name s
he used, Harmony? Kit pressed the phone to her ear so she could hear.

  “Harm, come on, we gotta think, she is in a hotel room, what can she do to slow someone down.”

  “Does she have any weapons?” the woman asked.

  Kit frowned and said, “No, I don’t have any weapons.”

  “Nope, she has nothing.” Shady replied and then Kit heard the other woman say.

  “Put her on speaker.”

  “Hey, my friend is here, and I am putting you on speaker,” Shady said.

  Kit replied, “Okay.”

  “You are in a hotel, right? Hilton?” the woman asked, and Kit made a noise of agreement, and the woman continued, “go to the bathroom.”

  Kit walked into the bathroom and said, “Okay, I am here.”

  “Every hotel provides amenities; can you tell me what you have on the counter there,” the woman asked.

  Kit looked around and then said, “There is a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, a small bar of soap and a sewing kit.”

  “Good, okay. First things first. Grab the shampoo, conditioner, and lotion, you never know when that shit will come in handy, especially since we know where you are going,” the woman said, and Kit held the phone away from her face and frowned at it, was she serious?

  “Next, grab the little sewing kit, inside is there one of those weird looking metal things that you have no clue what the hell it is.”

  Kit grabbed the little container and opened it and poured everything out on it. She said into the phone, “It looks like an old pop top kinda thing?”

  “Yep, that is it. Okay grab the little doohickey and go to the door. It is magnetic, take the little thing and drop it into the slot to the left-hand side,” the woman said, and Kit frowned and then did what she was told.

  “Okay,” she said into the phone.