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Tatted and Tamed (KO Ink Book 5) Page 5
Tatted and Tamed (KO Ink Book 5) Read online
Page 5
“We are gonna need to work on our communication skills,” Falon snapped as he motioned with his hand between the two of us. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “And stop threatening to kick everyone’s ass.” He threw in as he sat down. “You sound like a bully.”
The guys were silent as they watched us, but damned if when Falon sat down they suddenly regained the ability to speak.
Fin the one who looked at me and whispered, “I need to know how you did that!”
I frowned and said, “Did what?”
“Honey, you brought Falon to heel, I am pretty sure no woman has EVER done that. Like ever, so I am thinking that maybe you have some mad skills we need to tap into, the most important being, how you shut that fucker up.” Fin laughed and I closed my eyes, shit, we were not going to live this down, like ever.
“I’m doing this,” I said and glared at the guys sitting around the room. “Either I am in or out, tell me so I can either go about my merry way…”
“Whoa there missy!” Tony said and held up his hand. “None of us said a damn word about you being in on this, that was the idiot who thinks too much with his dick.”
“Hey”! Falon snapped. “I will have you know, it had nothing to do with my dick and more to do with making sure I had somewhere to…”
“Do not finish that fucking sentence,” I ground out and glared at him.
“I’m just saying,” Falon said innocently.
Cal leaned over and hit Falon in the back of the head and growled, “Shut up while you still can.”
Falon turned and glared at his brother but shut up. Thank God! I really didn’t need to do this in front of everyone I worked with. Dammit, I’m not that girl, and yet here I was being that girl, GRRRRRRR, I was getting pissed. “Boris Elson, what is up with that?” I snapped, turning the subject away from me right now.
Sean nodded and said, “Jet is out right now checking on where they moved the man. Apparently, the word on the street is the old man is failing. That leaves his son, who is an idiot I might add, to take over the helm of the Elson family. Now, normally that wouldn’t seem too bad, but for the police, it is something they are all dreading. Ranger is already looking into why Juarez was there; hopefully, he will be able to get some answers from the officer, but let’s just say, if the old man dies, we could all be fucked.”
Cal added, “Junior has his hand in every single illegal business in the New York area. Drugs, gangs, you name it, he is all about being in control of everything. The guy isn’t smart, but so far, he hasn’t been arrested, every single time he does something stupid, suddenly evidence gets lost, or people suddenly don’t want to give a statement. Maria is already asking questions about the shit with Ranger’s wife, plus, Cora, and all the shit there. I hate to say it, but this has got to be all connected. We are just missing something to tie it all together.”
Fin asked, “Is Briggs gonna be able to give us some help in that area?”
Tony shrugged. “Right now, I’m not sure, but he is assigned here for now, he is just as pissed as we are with the way things seem to keep going. Falon being shot, and all the shit being pushed under the rug, he’s not thrilled right now with the department.”
“Well just so you know, the reports at the hospital weren’t good. I don’t know what is wrong with the man, but the nurses were talking about needing to contact family and shit,” I said and the guys nodded. “Okay, so they are doing a women’s fight next, if we can get something, fucking anything to tie these bastards together, it is gonna be from the inside. Like with most syndicates, the shit is built on top of each other, and pull one string, the rest will unravel. We need to pull the string, right? So the fight, if Harm is my trainer, and I win, it will give him a leg up with the people. They will look to him for another person to fight, Jet is up next. We keep building Harm’s name, it may be a way in. If they fight anything like Reed’s guy, we know they are going to use anything they can to win. So will I, but we still need to stack our deck.”
Bry nodded and said, “I would suggest we figure out something we can use as well. Reed was fucked up afterward, and if they do anything like what they did to him, there could be issues. Josh is remembering more and more, but still it’s not enough, and until he can fully remember, we need to keep an eye on him. They are going to go back to the kids sooner or later. We need to figure out what we are going to do when that happens.”
Everyone nodded and then leaned back. Mace leaned forward and said quietly, “I think maybe we need to make sure with everything going that we are squared away with not only Angelique and her brother, who is set to be released from the hospital soon, but Brant is also there, hanging in the open. He is another one we need to watch out for. Mel, we need a current pic as well to send in. So figure out how you are going to change your appearance and we will take a pic.”
“I already have a lot of that under control,” Fin announced and we all turned to look at him. I saw the glint in his eye and I wanted to laugh, oh yeah, here it comes, those women have been at work. “Tony and I were thinking, since Maria, Ranger, and Rucker moved in together and Mrs. Honeychil moved into their guest house, there are two houses that we could use as safe houses for the company.”
Tony then added, “That way, with all the shit flowing around us, the guys will be able to watch only two houses, which are side by side so there won’t be a need to spread out our guys. Right now, there is a lot of shit going down.”
“I already asked Ranger,” Fin said slowly. “He is more than willing to sell.”
Mace nodded and said, “Good, I uh, have a feeling Angelique and Josh are gonna need some help.”
Tony ran a hand down his face. “Brooklyn, Zoey, and Petal already have a plan.”
I wanted to smile but I didn’t.
Michael laughed, “A ‘Master’ plan at that. So they are going to use Brit who will make the offer of a place to stay with her, that of course, is after Brit is gonna go to the hospital and put on a big show about not being able to afford shit in New York to live in. Then, Maria is gonna come in and say that Ranger is selling his house. Brit will then ask Angelique if she will stay there as well with her, because she is new in town, blah, blah, blah. I don’t see how it is gonna work but yeah, the girls are planning it and I am staying out of their way. Also, Petal is gonna throw in the job as the secretary of Slinging Ink, and solve all of her problems. They are feeling like her ‘fairy godmothers’.”
Reese snorted, “Nah, it’s because Zoey is all about everyone being happy right now, she is all emotional and shit, and honest to goodness I am not going to get in her way.”
Fin laughed. “Brooklyn too and she isn’t even pregnant, hell, if she had her way, everyone would move into our house. She is worried about Mia though. Her living in that apartment by herself. It’s too far away if someone wanted to make a point, they could get to her too easy.”
“Brant? Well, Mrs. Honeychil’s place is right there too, we put them all in there. On Brant’s side, we can have a few of the guys stay there, you know to keep watch,” Mace said slowly and then looked at Cal who was nodding. I was getting a little confused at what we were talking about, I was getting some strange vibes, and it wasn’t about the situation, it was something else.
“Things are gonna heat up,” Sean said. “The guy in the hospital, the Russian dude, there is a connection there. I’m not sure Brit needs to be anywhere near this. Maybe it would be easier if she stayed with Brooklyn.”
Fin rolled his eyes. “I already suggested that, Brit is hell bent on helping Angelique. So good luck with that.”
Sean stared at him and then said, “Jet and I will stay with Brant.” I looked at Tony who was frowning and staring at Sean.
Then I saw Mace lean forward and say, “I was gonna say Cal and I could.”
What in the fuck had I missed?
All of the guys stared around the table and then Falon leaned back and I knew what was coming, honestly, could anyone be more of an idiot?
“Oh how the mighty have fallen!” he laughed and thank God, no one touched the comment.
The meeting continued until we had everything hammered out. I was going to go in with Harm as my trainer, just like Reed had done. What it all boiled down to, was with Ranger finding out about his wife, and everything else coming to a head, something was gonna need to break, and damned if we would let any more innocent people be killed before that happened.
Chapter Eight
I was in my room at Slinging Ink looking at the wall when Sean came in and leaned against the door. I ignored him as I stared at the schedule I had printed out. I was full for the next three weeks, but at least next week my clients were already shuffled off to others, so I was good for now.
“You know, since you were young, Ma always said there was a lot more to you than what we saw. I mean you are a goof, and we all know it. We also know you aren’t as dumb as you act either. I mean, I know you have played up to that all your life, being the youngest boy and all. I was just wondering when you were going to actually tell everyone,” Sean said and then entered into my space fully.
“What are you talking about?” I asked and didn’t turn around. Damn him, I really hated it when Sean actually talked, because he was the one brother I had never been able to pull one over on. He watched everything, and everyone. No shit, the man was like a mute savant when it came to information, he seemed to suck it up, mull it over, and then come up with everyone’s secrets.
“Yeah you do,” Sean said with a chuckle. “Listen, I’m not going to go telling your shit to anyone, I’m just wondering if you are ever going to tell our brothers that you are not the total fuck up they think you are.”
I sighed and dropped my head, bastard, I thought, there was no way I was getting into this right now. None, there were just too many fucking people here, and I have hidden that part of my life for a long time.
“You know I love you, but seriously, I’m not talking about this right now. There is too much shit going on,” I said.
“Falon,” Sean said and stepped closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know why you have decided to keep this from the family, but I’m sure you have a good reason. I’m just saying, that sometimes they don’t take you seriously, and it pisses me off.”
I closed my eyes. Sean had always been my protector when we were growing up. The dynamics of a large family were interesting, mostly because it was easy to play your role, rather than try to change it. I was the youngest brother, by the time my parents had me the others had already broken them in. So it was easy for me to just slide by while they got into trouble, or if there was something I didn’t want to share, I deflected, it was simple when there was so many of us.
I turned and looked at Sean and grimaced. “How long have you known?”
Sean smiled sadly, “Hell, since the beginning. I figured you would come and tell everyone when you were ready, but you didn’t. So I waited, and as time went by, I figured you had your reasons.”
I nodded and then looked up at the ceiling. “I do.”
“I get that, but still you know them, they would be proud if you told them. All of them, hell, Ma would be beside herself and you know it,” Sean said and then leaned in closer. “Listen, I don’t know what your reasons are, you know I love you and am here for you. But just so you know, every single show, I was there. Every single one. You need to know I’m proud of you,” Sean said and I leaned back and looked at him, yep, I was shocked, none of them knew what I did, at least I thought so. Every single show, or opening, I wanted someone to be there, but damn. I grew up in a house full of boys who wrestled, played football, boxed, and were all about sports. Of course, I followed the pack, I did all those things, but just before I graduated one of my teachers asked me to stop by after school. I did, and that was when it all started.
I sighed and looked at Sean and said, “Why now?”
He knew what I was asking, because he nodded. I wanted to know why Sean suddenly came forward and brought this out in the open. With all that was going on, hell, with all that had been going on for like ever, it was never the right time to sit and talk to them about it. I didn’t care; it was easier, mostly, because then my brothers didn’t have shit to rag on me about. They could call me a dork, and an idiot, that didn’t bother me because I knew they loved me. Plus, come on, I was fucking adorable, no one could stay mad at me for long.
“‘Cause it is time. When we lived out there, it was easy to hide what you did. I even thought when Bry was doing his thing that maybe you would come clean then and you didn’t. But now we are home and, brother, you can’t hide it for much longer,” Sean said and then Michael suddenly appeared in the doorway.
“What are you hiding?” he asked and my eyes widened as I looked at Sean who didn't look the least bit sorry.
“Nothing,” I grumbled and turned back to the wall.
“Not nothing,” Michael said. “I distinctly heard Sean say you can’t hide it forever, which means you have been hiding something for a while, which I might add, is almost impossible in this family.”
“Well,” Sean said slowly. “Our brother has accomplished that nicely.”
I glared at Sean and Michael looked back and forth between us and said, “Okay, really come on, what the hell is going on?”
“Is there a problem?” Bry said from the door.
I sighed loudly and said, “No, there is no fucking problem at all.”
Michael snorted and turned. “It seems our little brother is keeping a secret from us.”
Bry frowned and then his eyes snapped to me and I felt like a bug under a microscope. He yelled over his shoulder to the others. Nosey fucking brothers.
Fin and Cal appeared and Michael opened his big mouth again, “Little brother is keeping a secret.” When he finished all of my brothers were staring at me expectantly.
“What is the secret?” Fin asked.
When I didn’t answer, Cal said, “Dude, it’s okay if you are gay.”
I put a hand to my eyes and snapped, “Really? Come on. It’s nothing.”
“If it’s nothing,” Michael said and looked behind him, “he would tell us, right?”
Fin nodded. “Just tell us.”
“No,” I snapped and glared at Sean who was smiling a little and leaning against the wall now, taking in the scene, bastard, I was so putting Nair in his shampoo. “Listen, it is no big deal, stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, because honestly it’s annoying.”
Michael moved and looked me in the eye. “We are here for you if there is anything that you need. You know that, right?”
I smiled nodded. “It’s no big deal, trust me.”
I walked into the gym at the end of the day, shit I was wiped out, what with my brothers being pains in my ass trying to figure out what I have been keeping from them. Bastards were relentless, but I was just not wanting to share that shit right now. I stopped and looked around, the rings were all full, but I zeroed in on the two that had women in them. Shit, neither were Mel, but damn, who the hell was the blonde woman? I began to walk slowly as I stared at her perfect body wearing spandex and a half tank. My cock got hard as I ran my eyes over her body, damn, I hadn’t had this response to another woman in months, it had only been Mel. But seeing the hot little blonde chick with her hair short was sexy as shit. I watched the woman throw a punch and my eyes narrowed. Hang the fuck on.
I moved quickly to the edge of the ring and stared intently until finally the woman turned and I could have been knocked over with a fucking feather. Holy shit, it was Mel, she was blonde, and she was fucking sexy as shit. I stared at her midriff, she had a tattoo, one she hadn’t had yesterday or that morning when I was stripping her, but dear God I wanted to trace it with my tongue, the fucking art looking amazing on her.
I saw her pull out her mouth piece but I didn’t look up, my eyes were too focused on the tattoo, and wondering how fast I could get her out of her clothes to see if she had any
more hidden on her.
“Hey,” Mel snapped and I nodded slowly without moving my eyes. “Look up you jerk.” She laughed and I finally dragged my eyes up her taunt stomach, past her luscious breasts, and her sexy as shit neck until I got to her eyes.
“Damn, woman,” I drawled and licked my lips. “What the fuck happened to you?”
She glared and shook her head and then walked to the side of the ring and smacked me in the head and then growled, “Knock it off, are you ready to go?”
“Huh?” I said, staring at her breasts again. “Oh yeah, I am ready. Wait! You didn’t have that tattoo before. Where did it come from? Better yet, who do I need to kill because they touched you?”
“Seriously? You want to do this in the middle of the gym?” Mel pursed her lips and her eyebrows rose.
“Yeah, I think I do,” I said, ‘cause I didn’t want to have to come back later to hunt one of my brothers down.
With a sigh she crawled out of the ring, waved to the chick she was sparring with, pulled her gloves off and shoved them in her bag. The chick she was sparring with walked over, looked at me, then looked at Mel.
“You need me to stick around in case I need to haul his ass in,” the chick said to Mel, but looked back at me.
“Nah, Rena, I got him. Thanks again for coming and doing this. And shit, girl, come back because you got mad skills.” Mel laughed, then continued, “I get sick of sparring with the men because they won’t come at me with a hundred percent. Xavier’s been hiding you. Until he told us he had a sister he could call to train with me, none of us knew you even existed.”
“Well guess you and Xavier have something in common,” I said, drawing Mel’s glare before she turned back to Rena and both women acted like I wasn’t even standing there.
“I go to a gym by my house or use the one at the 45th after I finish my shift. I knew Xavier was coming here but I thought this was more of a training facility for fighters. I didn’t know they had a setup for everyone to use here. Which I will be speaking to my brother about since he failed to tell me that little tad of information. Asshole probably didn’t want me near his friends. Brothers—they are a pain in the ass,” Rena said and Mel laughed.